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Knowledge alone won’t take you to financial freedom. 

Order From Worry to Wealth, a new book by Ben Lyons & Ortus Academy gain access to

Tools that personalize a path to a million dollar net worth

Tools & Resources

Awareness is the key to growth. If you apply the principles and lessons outlined in this book, we have absolutely no doubt that you will climb up the mountain from worry to wealth. 

Online Video Course

15 bite-sized videos to provide additional explanation, stories, wisdom and inspiration to important concepts in From Worry to Wealth

Your Way to $20K: A Self-Assessment

The Your Way to $20k income self assessment to help you determine your best avenues to grow your Investable Income to $20k a year 

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The Money Positioning System

The Money Positioning System tracking tool to help you budget, set goals and keep track of important financial metrics.

Let Ben & Ortus Academy Lead You On Your Financial Journey

Each chapter of From Worry to Wealth has been broken down to provide you with the most salient points and tell the stories in a more personal way. 


Taught, predominately by Ben Lyons himself, you will learn:


The Wealth Formula in a step-by-step method


How to use the Money Positioning System to discover your net worth and investable income


How to increase investable income, including how to be more valuable and 6 ways to increase your investable income



How to use $20,000 to acquire assets that will boost your net worth by $300,000 and provide you with reliable cash flow


How to leverage people, money, and assets, and time to build a scalable business and generational wealth


How compounding, appreciation, and amortization can help you increase your wealth faster

and so much more!

The Introduction to From Worry to Wealth - Mini-Course

Online Course

Your Way to $20k: An Income Self Assessment 

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Your Way to $20k is a PDF of questions and exercises to help you determine a personalized path to grow your Investable Income in a way that meets your different needs and life circumstances.


  • Brainstorm through 6 different ways to boost your surplus investable income to $20k per year 

  • Evaluate your current income situation, along with your strengths, weaknesses, interests and limitations

  • Self-reflect on your career values to discover which are serving you and which are not 

  • Evaluate alternative income pathways to see which best meet your financial, fulfillment, and situational needs 

Maybe it’s getting an advanced degree to earn more in your current field. Maybe it’s simply picking up a side job until you can downsize your house. Maybe it’s starting a side business or acquiring a rental property for some extra cash. 


We promise, there are many ways to reach this goal. All require discipline and hard work, but once you get those investment seeds planted, the payoff is enormous over time. 


The Money Positioning System

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The Money Positioning System is a high-powered Google Spreadsheet with a step-by-step process to help you track and grow your money. Enter your numbers and it will provide you with insights, feedback, and action steps to help advance your journey to financial growth and freedom.  ​​



  • Set & Track Your Financial Goals 

  • Track Your Assets - Cash, Stocks, Insurance, Retirement, & Other Investments, 

  • Track Your Income

  • Income tracking is especially great for freelancers and gig workers!

  • Track Your Debt & Monthly Expenses

  • Calculate Your Net Worth & Other Key Financial Metrics

  • Learn Which Steps You Should Be Taking Next

All the math is done for you! There is no coding and no formulas required. Simply input your numbers, once a month (recommended), and let MPS do the work for you.


The more information you give it, the better it can give you specific insights. The first time through will take the longest for setup, from there it should only be about 30 minutes per month!

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*Ortus Academy is not a financial advising company.
ll financial information is designed to educate, not intended to be solicited advice for financial decisions.*

© Copyright 2021, Ortus Enterprises, Corp.

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